o remove contamination, modify or activate (increase chemical activity) the surfaces of products from high—tech areas without damaging them - such tasks are designed to solve the development of the resident of the technopark "Polyus", the company GN Electronics. The novelty is an installation with two electrodes in the working chamber. Plasma is formed between them under tension in a rarefied gas medium. The condition of the surface layer of the products that are in the installation changes under the influence of plasma. At the same time, the properties of the materials from which these products are made are not violated. The process occurs as follows: ions (charged particles) of an inert gas (argon) or a chemically active gas (oxygen) are generated in the plasma, which interact with the atoms of the surface layer of the product. Depending on the type of generator, plasma ions can have different concentrations and energies, which means they can affect the treated surface in different ways. High-energy ions and high temperature can destroy some devices and structures. In order to treat the surfaces of such products without damage and heating, it is necessary to reduce the energy of ions and at the same time increase their number. "The innovation of our installation is that we use a bipolar pulse generator developed by us to produce plasma. It creates short and frequent pulses, which allows you to increase the concentration of ions. Additionally, in the intervals between pulses, a relatively low negative voltage is applied to the electrodes to give the ions the minimum energy necessary for processing. This ensures careful and efficient processing of sensitive semiconductor and quantum structures without increasing the temperature of the product," said Denis Vasiliev, a leading engineer at GN Electronics. .... The full text of the article can be found on the official website!